Keep Texas Beautiful aims to inspire and empower Texans to keep our communities clean and beautiful. The KTB Awards honor youth and educators making a difference in their communities and working hard to further our mission. We encourage you to nominate a notable educator, educational institution, young individual or a youth organization for this award, so they can receive the recognition they deserve. The awards also remind our volunteers and affiliates of the potential they have to make an impact in their communities. Nominations open March 6 and are due April 30, 2018 at 5 p.m. You can apply online HERE. Categories and criteria are listed below.
Ruthe Jackson: Recognizing the efforts and leadership of youth (as individuals and their collective efforts as a group or team) and youth-oriented organizations to beautify the community and create cleaner, greener campuses, parks and neighborhoods.
- Youth Individual is defined as a student, scout, youth advisory board member, etc.
- Youth Organization is defined as a scout group, student-led organization, youth advisory board, etc.
- Educator is defined as a formal or informal instructor, school staff, volunteer, etc.
- Educational Institution is defined as a school, non-profit providing educational programming, school district, off-campus club, etc.
- Background/History: Provide a brief history or background of the nominee as it pertains to the application. (10 points, 300 words maximum)
- Leadership: Explain how the nominee’s leadership efforts impacted the success of a project or program. (20 points, 300 words maximum)
- Impact: List how activities improved, beautified and preserved the visual aspects of your community, helped to positively change people’s attitudes and behaviors, or minimized the impact of waste and promoted responsible waste handling. Add any statistical information, if applicable. (20 points, 300 words maximum)
- Innovation: Describe unique and/or creative ways the nominee went above and beyond the call of duty. (20 points, 300 words maximum)
- KTB Mission: Describe how the nominee supports the KTB mission, “to educate and engage Texans to take responsibility for improving their community environment.” (20 points, 300 words maximum)
- Supplemental Materials: Used to substantiate the responses in your written summary. Upload 2-5 items, such as letters of support, pictures from events, flyers promoting an event, scanned page of a notebook, etc. (10 points)
Application Fee:
Each entry must include a $15 nomination fee in the form of check or credit card. Credit card payments should be submitted through the online awards system; make checks payable to Keep Texas Beautiful. A maximum of 5 nominations is allowed per category.
Awards Announcement & Presentation:
Award winners will be posted on the KTB website ( by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 11, 2018. All award winners will be recognized at the annual Keep Texas Beautiful Conference held June 11-13, 2018 in Georgetown.
Written by our Communications Coordinator, Brianna Fuller