This Thanksgiving week, Keep Texas Beautiful would like to give
Today, Keep Texas Beautiful would like to give thanks to our supporters whose charitable donations allow Keep Texas Beautiful and our affiliate network to function at a high level.
Our supporters, whom can be found listed on our website, fund and help organize programs across Texas that do incredible things for local communities. Some examples of these programs are:
- The Fall Sweep
- Keep Texas Waterways Clean
- Waste in Place
- Green Bag Grants
- Native Garden Grants
- Youth Patch Program
Our supporters’ charity allows our affiliate network and Keep Texas Beautiful to function, and without our partners, more than 5 million pounds of trash would not have been collected from Texas landscapes this past year. In addition, supporter funding allowed 1,084 trees to be planted, 11,580 flowers to be planted, and 294 community gardens to be created this past year alone. Donations and sponsorships also allow for over 2 million dollars to be allocated to Keep Texas Beautiful affiliates in the form of grants and awards to be used to create and expand local community improvement projects, which beautify and unify Texas neighborhoods, towns, and cities.
Our supporters also enable us to host the annual Keep Texas Beautiful conference, which features over 30 different educational sessions. There, we educate more than 500 attendees from partners and Texas affiliates on how to further engage their communities and improve sustainability efforts.
Not only do our supporters allow for the education of the current generation, but generations of future Texans to come. Through programs such as Waste in Place, the youth patch
We at Keep Texas Beautiful are both awed and incredibly thankful for the kindness and support
If you or your organization is interested in donating to Keep Texas Beautiful or becoming a sponsor or member, please visit our website.