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Introducing our New Spring Cleanup Themes

By January 29, 2020No Comments

It’s Great American Cleanup time again! A new decade calls for new ways to cleanup our communities. Join us in 2020 with new themes and fun ways to get involved and improve yours. Keep an eye out for webinars, signature events, and monthly themes.

March – This month, our friends at Keep San Marcos Beautiful invite fellow affiliates to join them in their 35th year of the Great Texas River Cleanup! This event is the first Saturday of March and will find hundreds of volunteers cleaning along the San Marcos River and its tributaries. To fit our waterways cleanup theme, KSMB encourages affiliates and groups all over Texas to get out there and clean their own local waterway. Thanks to our friends at H-E-B/ Central Market and Rambler Sparkling Water, waterway cleanups in March will have an added bonus of mesh, onion bags in their cleanup kit. Get yours today at

April – To stick with another long-standing tradition, we are focusing on roadside litter removal as our April theme. Of course, Texans know that it’s Don’t Mess with Texas time and our annual signature event known as the DMWT Trash-Off. This is a great time of year to conduct your Adopt A Highway or Adopt A Spot cleanups or just hit your local roadway for some Spring cleaning. Check out our DMWT Trash-Off page for details on correctly using this iconic brand.

May – To wrap up our Spring themes we are celebrating Texas Parks and Trails. There are acres of beautiful parkland and miles and miles of trails throughout the great state of Texas. Find your local park or trail by contacting city and county government parks and recreation departments or visit our friends at Texas Parks and Wildlife to locate a state park near you. Join a group cleanup or grab a bag and go plogging on your own. This trend finds hikers and joggers gathering litter during their normal exercise. Every little bit helps and we applaud all of you that help to keep our parks, trails, and communities clean and beautiful!

These themes are meant to inspire you and not constrain. Anyone doing something good in their community from March-May will be celebrated as a part of the national Great American Cleanup! 

Visit us at or contact Karen at for more details on our themes, supplies and putting together a successful cleanup in general. Happy Spring Cleaning!