Wolfe City is a small rural community, and in my eyes, the best place in the world to grow up! Our community is very close. We take care of each other and that has not changed in my lifetime. Growing up, Wolfe City was a beautiful and vibrant hometown with booming businesses. We were once called the Cotton Capital in Hunt County, processing more cotton than any other place around. Many families were several generations of farmers.
In the past few years, Wolfe City has been cleaning a rail-to-trail path that runs through the heart of our town in hopes to make it a nice amenity for our town’s residents. The North East Texas Trail is a hiking/biking trail that is 133 miles and stretches from Farmersville to New Boston. After seeing increasing support from the community for this project, the trail group, led by Hank Pickering, wanted to expand the movement to empower other improvement projects in Wolfe City. We then developed Wolfe City Area Parks and Recreation, (a 501C3) and started the process of joining Keep Texas Beautiful.
Initially, all of the training, forms, and information was overwhelming. But, I encourage you to go for affiliation and don’t wait! Start with a few small steps, set some goals, and pick a bigger project to work toward.
KTB offers excellent online training, along with all the startup information and pre-made forms. It was great to be able to email or call someone and get answers. We are excited to be a part of the overall bigger picture of keeping Texas beautiful by focusing on the community that we work and live in every day.
Students often volunteer with our projects and are always looking for ways to be more involved. Keep Wolfe City Beautiful just completed the Fall Sweep, picking up trash on every street in town. Adults brought mowers, tools, and chainsaws. The finished project was beautiful!
New trash cans are also in the process for our Main Street and KWCB plans to have a community meeting in the near future. We look at Wolfe city as a blank canvas with endless possibilities. We are very happy to have all of the resources that we need for learning and growing, and especially the opportunity to be able to receive grants to pursue larger projects that a smaller city like ours would normally not be able to make happen alone.
Our big project, and future goal, is saving our downtown red brick Main Street. This street is over 100 years old and is in desperate need of repairs in some areas. It will be a big undertaking, needing lots of help, education, contacts and grants to make it happen. To us, our beloved red brick street represents the past, present and the future. This is why we want to work together with the support from KTB to make it happen and ensure it lasts another 100 plus years for future generations to enjoy.