Zen WTR Waterway and Coastal Cleanup Grant Applications Close
Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB) in partnership with ZenWTR is excited to announce the 2022 ZenWTR Waterway and Coastal Cleanup Grants. These grants will provide four affiliate communities with $500 and support and materials needed to plan and execute a waterway or coastal litter cleanup event. KTB hopes to join in the excitement generated by the cleanups and that these initiatives will create awareness in not only the four communities awarded, but throughout Texas.
Grant Amount: $500 to conduct waterway or coastal litter cleanup events
Eligibility: You must be You must be a KTB affiliate with Gold Star, Silver Star or Good Standing affiliate status for 2023.
Email your questions to kirsten@ktb.org and please submit your applications by 5:00 PM on Thursday, August 24: 2023 Zen WTR Waterway and Coastal Cleanup Application