The Colony Citywide Spring Clean-Up
The City of The Colony and Republic Waste Services will be hosting the annual City-Wide Spring Clean-Up from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 20, in the parking lot of Hawaiian Waters, 4400 Paige Road.
Residents of The Colony may bring trash and refuse, such as large tree limbs, furniture, appliances, lumber, remodeling debris, fencing materials and scrap metal for convenient disposal.
Additionally, the following items also will be collected: small truck, car or SUV tires; batteries of all types; and electronics including computer CPUs, monitors, printers, related computer parts and supplies, DVD players, CD players, TVs and copiers. The city is limiting the number of tires a resident can bring to eight total, with no large truck or tractor tires accepted. The city also is limiting the number of TVs and monitors to four.
Other services available at the Clean-Up include removal of Freon from appliances and shredding for residents that have confidential documents that need to be destroyed.
Entry to the Spring Clean-Up will be off of Memorial Drive using the east entrance to Hawaiian Falls. There will be no entry to the event off of Paige Road. Please follow the signage and instructions from staff directing traffic. No one will be allowed into the line after noon. Because of safety concerns, persons under the age of 18 are not allowed in the unloading area unless accompanied by an adult.
The Clean-Up site will not accept liquids or chemicals of any kind. This includes paints and household hazardous waste. However, residents can bring these items to our Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Center at 5576 North Colony Blvd. by Fire Station No. 2 on the same day and same hours (8 a.m. to noon April 20) as the Spring Clean-Up. Click here for more information about hazardous waste disposal.
Enclosed box vans, trailers over 20 feet and/or contractors will not be allowed into the Spring Clean-Up. The event is for The Colony residents only. All residents will be required to show proof of residency by presenting their utility bill and/or photo I.D.
During the event, residents will also have the opportunity to make a donation to the NTX Community Food Pantry. Along with their items for disposal, participants are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items for collection. Additional signage at the event will alert drivers to the location for dropping off food donations, which will occur near the beginning of the line. Donations are NOT required to participate in the Clean-Up but are very much appreciated.
For more information about the Spring Clean-Up, call Environmental Services at 972-624-3130