DFW Regional Training
Keep Texas Beautiful is excited to announce an upcoming, in-person regional training in Mesquite!
This is a great time to learn from and network with area affiliates.
Special thanks to Keep Mesquite Beautiful for hosting this training!
This event will begin with a Regional Training with topics decided by participants and the second half of the training will be a Waste in Place Train the Trainer.
Tentative Agenda:
9:00am – 9:30 am Welcome & Coffee
9:30am- 12:00pm Training
12:00pm – 12:30pm Lunch will be provided
12:30pm – 3:30pm WIP Train the Trainer
4:00pm Networking Happy Hour
Who should attend?
Affiliate Coordinators
Affiliate Board Members
Affiliate Staff/Volunteers
Keep Texas Recycling Members
Prospective/Provisional Affiliates
Possible topics include involving youth, volunteer management, data management and more. This training will count towards the KTB training requirement for affiliates.