8th Annual Tri-City Litter Cleanup in Rowlett and Garland
We are Keeping It Beautiful for the Eighth Time! Join us to cleanup our shared waterway, Lake Ray Hubbard, and connecting tributaries. Choose from several jobsites in Rowlett or Garland and register online. Co-sponsors are Keep Rowlett Beautiful and Keep Dallas Beautiful. Register at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805094FAEAF2AA7FF2-50868866-8thannual#/
Come dressed to work in the elements: boots, pants, sleeves, bug spray, and sunscreen are recommended. Reduce waste, bring your refillable water jug!
After the workday, celebrate at Hella Shrine Events Center with live music, food trucks, sweet treats, free tee shirts, a petting zoo and fun for all volunteers!
*Minors will need to have guardian signature on the online waiver. Adult volunteers can sign waiver on the morning of at their jobsite.